Saturday, December 18, 2010


I find it quite interesting that people can find my blog or any others that interest them....then again I suppose that wouldn't happen if I didn't check 'yes' for google to search out my blog. The reason I'm mentioning this is because I have been talking a lot about the Lite Gaite treadmill on my recent blogs. I received an email yesterday from a lady who works with mobility research. She said a colleague contacted her about my blog. I asked who her colleague is and where she is from. I have only posted one picture of me on the Lite gaite and I was done with my walking and was swinging, my therapists thought that was funny. This lady says how I'm not hooked up right etc. My therapists are wonderful and are very knowledgeable in the Lite Gaite. So you can't go by that picture of me swinging to tell if the straps aren't on correct.

Like I said before I had a bunch of pictures on my memory card of me in high gear working out. I felt much more stable without my hands and my upper body was not swaying as i may have previously have stated in a post. Scott, my therapist, said that is normal until i get the momentum going.

Just had to get that off my chest. My therapists are wonderful and i'm treated great. If something didn't feel right, I'd say so.

So, the card issue....I called Best Buy and the gal said there's a knob on the side of the card that could have slid down. But it seems kind of hard to do so on its own. She also said any kiosk would be able to retrieve them. We first took to Best Buy's geeksqad and they were unable. I'm going to try a couple other photo places before i reformat the card. If Best Buy can't, then I'm a bit iffy others can. Its worth a try.

i walked one mile around the gym Thursday. Only took two small breaks. My last few laps were really strong. Then I was working on the leg-extension and was relaxed and all the sudden Eldon scared the living daylights out of me. He said he just was trying to get my heart rate up! Such a jokester he is. I need to figured out how to get back at him!! :)
Then I was playing around with camera (different memory card), and since Scott and I didn't get a picture together the other day, we did an armshot one. Then i took some goofy pics of Chris, Scott and Eldon! They did such goofy poses, i couldn't help but not laugh. Tuesday I am going to try and take a picture of everyone thats there - some may be gone for Christmas vacation!! I'll just do my laps with camera around neck. That won't look weird at all!! Ah hahaha

Abby had her school program yesterday. She did so great. My friends daughter is in the same class and as soon as she saw me she smiled so BIG. It was really cute. I think i might have distracted her!
Then I got home and Scott emailed that he & his wife just found out they are having a baby girl!! YAY!
I think I got a 'good' bokeh shot from my parents tree.
Sunday the 19th my niece Madeline turns 4! She is so cute and says such sassy funny things. She's one where I have to keep snapping because she moves around so quick!
Off to watch Elf and bag up my gifts to bring to my parents!
Have a great day.....until next time Peace out!
And if you do read my blogs, please leave a comment.
Especially if you work for a mobility company. Thank you. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the movie Elf!! Makes me laugh when he eats the cotton balls ;)
    What's the deal about the straps, were they wanting you to change something??
    Love the site update Joey!
