Where oh where has the time gone. I can't believe its been since March that I have blogged.
I have been busy and working hard training for my 5k which was May 20th. My uncle did it with me and it was the most rewarding experience ever. Having people cheer me on throughout the whole race, was incredible - simply incredible. I was filled with emotions when people said come on girl, you can do this. You are almost there.
My uncle and I did a trial walk of the route and I bet i had to sit down 6x. It looked much shorter on the map. My hip hurt a LOT after that walk but I kept pushing through - i didn't want my uncle to go get his truck. I'm finishing no matter how much pain I was in. I never did tell him i was in pain. When i got home I emailed my PT guy and said what can i do, he said to just rest. I had an appointment with him Thursday the day before the 5K. So he just stretched me out and was able to pin-point where my pain was. Its kind of sciactia (sp?). By Wednesday morning I felt better - i had been taking ibprofen so that helped. I was scared I wouldn't be able to continue my 5k on Friday or that I would have to stop in the middle.
So the day of the race, I took my parents & aunt and uncle out for lunch at Olive Garden. Then we met back at my parents. My mom dropped all of us off at the Fargo Dome to save on traffic and parking. We then had time to rest a bit in the Dome as my uncle had already picked up our bib numbers and packets. We headed out to where people were lining up a little after 6. I think they said there were 7,000 people in the 5k alone. I was able to sit in a chair, there would be no way I would be able to stand for a half hour before the race started. The TV interview happened about 6:15, we were short on time but he was very professional and it turned out well.
We were off!! I held on my uncle's arm for most of the way just for added stability with the crowds. My dad and aunt walked the whole way - i was so happy they were there too. My aunt did such a great job of taking pictures of capturing moments that really matter. I'm so glad she got pictures. My uncle kept asking if i was ok, if i needed to sit and I was determined to not sit down again!! I just kept pushing through and this time I had no pain! YAY!! I got to walk with my dad and uncle and also my aunt! It really was a momentous day I will never forget. Crossing that finish line was the most exhilerating feeling ever. YES, I made it!! My friend Lisa and Carrie saw me after the race and gave me BIG hugs. They were so proud of me!!
My mom picked us up after and we went back to their house and had beer, wine and sandwiches. My mom made my favorite salads and cheesecake!!
I made a book with the pictures my aunt took. I ordered myself a copy and one for my aunt and uncle. They LOVED it!!
As for 2012, I hope to do it again!! Maybe even the 10k!!
All things are possible if you believe!!